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'OPEN your EYES, GROW your MIND, PAVE your WAY' 

Master of Science in Health Services Management programme is a multidisciplinary field of inquiry and practice concerned with the delivery, quality and costs of healthcare for individuals and populations. 

Programme Brochure

  • Q1. What are the special features of MScHSM Programme?
    Ans: -Preparing you as a leader -Learning from real leaders -Working with leaders -Leading changes -Lifelong leadership support
  • Q2: When does the programme start?
    Ans: Late-August of every year
  • Q3: How long does the programme last and what is the pattern of classes?
    Ans: This is a Part-time programme. Normative study period: 2 years; Maximum study period: 4 years. Term 1 (September to December), Term 2 (January to March), Term 3 (April to June) and Summer Term (July to August). Usually, 2-3 classes per week, from 1830 to 2130 on Weekdays or 0930 to 1700 on Weekends.
  • Q4: How many courses do I have to take?
    Ans: Students are required to fulfill 36 units in total: 14 core courses (26 units) + 4 out of 12 elective courses (4 units) + a Master-level Guided Case Studies (6 units).
  • Q5: What is the positioning of this programme? Is this for those working in public / private sector?
    Ans: This course is targeted for doctors, nurses, allied health professionals and administrators from both public and private sectors. A good mix of students of various professions and disciplines from both the public (inclusive of NGOs) and private sectors are admitted each year to ensure good peer learning. Students not normally resident in Hong Kong had been admitted in the past.
  • Q6: What is the difference between Master of Public Health (MPH, Health System Concentration) and Master of Science in Health Services Management (MScHSM)?"
    Ans: MPH provides a broad curriculum in the core competencies of public health as follows: 1) Epidemiology and Biostatistics, 2) Health Promotion and Social Behaviour, 3) Environmental and Occupational Health and Infectious Diseases, 4) Population and Global Health and 5) Health Systems, Policy and Management. Students reading MPH who have chosen the Health Systems Concentration can only choose up to 10 units of the courses under the MScHSM curriculum, while MScHSM provides more advanced level and comprehensive health management and policy related courses. The teaching staff and course content are the same between these two programmes. Apart from that, applicants who are applying to MScHSM programme is required to have at least 3-year relevant working experience in healthcare setting requirement, with many of them already working at or near middle management positions. On average, more than 30 % of the HSM graduates got promoted to the next level within a few years after graduation.
  • Q7: Are there any examinations?
    Ans: There are assessments after each course which replaces the Final Examination on completion of the programme. The type of assessment varies with individual courses. Majority of courses in Year 1 and only one Year 2 core course (HSYS5012 - Human Resource Management) will have written examinations, while presentation and reflective essay will be the main method of assessment for Year 2 courses.
  • Q8: Is the qualification quotable?
    Ans: The programme is recognized by the Hong Kong Medical Council as a quotable qualification for doctors, being quoted as MScHSM (CUHK).
  • Q9: Is there any attendance requirement?
    Ans: The required attendance rate of each student in each course is 60% or above.
  • Q10: I am graduate from Postgraduate Diploma in Health Services Management / Master of Public Health, shall I apply unit exemption when I study MScHSM?"
    Ans: Graduates from the above programmes at the JC School of Public Health and Primary Care, CUHK who apply for further studies in the MSc in Health Services Management, may be exempted from courses shared, provided certain conditions have been met. Please consult MScHSM office for details.
  • Q11: Will postgraduate programmes like MBA obtained in other institution be accepted for unit exemption?
    Ans: All exemption cases are subject to approval by the Graduate School on case-by-case basis, taking into account individual circumstances.
  • Q12: Do I need to pay extra tuition fee if I exceed the total units required?
    Ans: The Extra tuition fee will be charged per unit. Adjustment and changes may apply without prior notice. For latest information please contact the MScHSM office for details.
  • Q13: Is it possible to extend the length of my study?
    Ans: We normally do not encourage students to extend their length of study. However, we do offer extensions for students who cannot complete the program within the defined timeframe upon review of each individual case. Please contact the programme office early for further discussion regarding your study plan.
  • Q1: Is the program fee paid in a lump sum or installments?
    Ans: A successful applicant who accepts an offer from the programme is required to pay a non-refundable deposit, which will be offset against the outstanding programme fee. The remainder of the programme fee will be paid in three installments. Please click HERE for more information on Tuition Fee.
  • Q2: How can I get the tuition fee receipt?
    Ans: Tuition fee receipt will be issued upon request. For application, please send an email to Finance Office with your name and student ID.
  • Q1: How many intakes and quotas do you offer each year for Master of Science in Health Services Management (MScHSM)? When do the courses start?
    Ans: MScHSM has only one intake admitting around 40 students per academic year. The programme usually commencing in late-August. The whole admission procedure is on a rolling basis, candidates can apply between October and May every year for the next year's intake. Although we do not set quotas of acceptance for each round but once the class starts filling up, it becomes more competitive for candidates. We encourage all applicants to submit their application as earliest as possible.
  • Q2: What are the entry requirement?
    Ans: Having at least THREE years of work experience in healthcare sectors/management, AND Graduated from a recognized university and obtained a Bachelor's degree, normally with honours not lower than Second Class; or Graduated from an honours programme of a recognized university with a Bachelor's degree, normally achieving an average grade of not lower than "B"; or Completed a course of study in a tertiary educational institution and obtained professional or similar qualifications equivalent to an honours degree.
  • Q3: If I don’t have all the required supporting documents, can I still go ahead and submit an application?"
    Ans: We encourage applicants to submit an application first while they are still preparing necessary documents. You are advised to submit the application via the online portal of the CUHK Graduate School website along with clearly scanned copies of all your academic documents for the further review. Blurred copies are not accepted to proceed. In addition to the official transcript issued by the Registry of the university, other supporting documents can be submitted via the online portal. However, you are required to provide all the documents no later than one month after submitting your online application. Offer will not be issued if the documents cannot reach the programme office before the deadline.
  • Q4: Do I have to submit my additional academic qualification before admitted to the bachelor degree?
    Ans: Yes, applicants are required to submit all additional academic qualification (eg. Higher Diploma, Associate Degree etc.).
  • Q5: Will my application be rejected if I cannot provide reference letters?
    Ans: Application will not be rejected if applicants cannot provide reference letters.
  • Q6:  What should I do if I have not received an invitation for interview?
    Ans: Applicants are advised to check your contact email frequently and carefully for any important information from the programme office. Another interview may not be arranged if it is missed. In addition, interviews may not be required if the applicants are recommended an offer directly by the admission panel.
  • Q7: When will I get the result after attending the interview?
    Ans: It depends on the decision made by the admission panel. Applicants may be put into waiting lists if they have not received any further notification.
  • Q8: If I am not selected in MScHSM, can I still apply MPH Health Systems, Policy and Management Concentration? Will the result in MScHSM affect my another application?"
    Ans: There are different admission panel between these two programmes. Application result in MScHSM is independent that will not affect other programmes and future admissions. It is also very welcome for MPH graduates to apply MScHSM for further studies and course exemptions may be applicable.
  • Q9: Why I am told to obtain an assessment report for my Bachelor Degree from the HKCAAVQ?
    Ans: Applicants with degrees awarded by overseas universities by distance learning or by completing a curriculum of short duration may be required by the Graduate School Office to provide assessment reports from the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ) on the level of qualification obtained for further academic verification if the degrees cannot be found from the Information Portal for Accredited Post-secondary Programmes (iPASS). The whole procedure to obtain the report will be over 1 - 2 months. Offers will not be issued if applicants choose not to or are not able to provide the report before the deadline.
  • Q10: How can I know if I have an offer or not?
    Ans: Applicants are strongly recommended to check their application result frequently via the online portal. Applicants should take their own responsibilities if they miss the deadline to accept the offer and settle the deposit payment.
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